A wedding in May

Meixu was completely stunned. Looking at her fingers, she moved her gaze back to him to ask, "What's the ring for?"

"Let's see... I put it on the right finger, so this is an engagement ring. Let's get married when you are ready." Shi Qiao said with a big smile.

There was a long silence between them that almost caused Shi Qiao to think that he made the worst move in his entire existence.

He was almost about to apologize for his actions when Meixu withdrew her hand and said while gazing at the ring intently.

"I like the ring, it's simple and pretty, you really do know my taste. But is the way to propose to me? Haven't you seen how other men propose, or are you playing with me?" Meixu asked.

Shi Qiao sighed in relief within himself. He was happy that she wasn't angry. "Those are other men. I am different from them."

"You must be really proud of yourself," Meixu said, still admiring the ring.