Nobody knows

Because the florist offered to buy them, Meixu did not have to make a full payment for the flowers she ordered.

"You really know how to make a food deal." The wedding planner said to her with a smile as they stepped outside the place.

"Of course, would have you expected me to throw the flowers away, or give them out when the cost a lot?" She asked as she stepped into her car.

The wedding planner got into the same car and spilled what she thought. "Honestly, I thought you were not even going to care about what happens to the flowers after your wedding."

"I have money, but someone is teaching me not to waste them. Where is our next destination?" Meixu asked as ignited the engine and drove away.

"We are going for wine tasting, and your fiance should me us there, so you two can make a choice." The wedding planner said.

Meixu agreed with her on this one and contacted Shi Qiao so he could be available for their wine tasting.