Threatening their unborn babies

Jia Li seemed to get herself a bit when they arrived at the hospital, but it was only for a brief moment.

Before they arrived at the hospital, the labor room has already been prepared, so immediately after their car pulled over in front of the hospital the nurses used a stretcher to carry Jia Li away, while the rest followed.

Jia Li's doctor examined her to check how the babies were doing, their position in the bomb, and Jia Li's cervix dilation.

When Jia Li was fully into labor, she was taken into the room and helped onto the bed, and it was then that Fu Hua stepped in, because he wanted to be with her.

This was their second child, but this pregnancy was different because they were having twins. In order to give her moral support, he went in there with her.

Jasmine again wanted to follow them, but FangSu was smart to distract her and quickly carried her away.

In the labor room...