Grandview Corp.

Ray how much longer till the cab is here I don't have time to waste and soon the area won't be so nice. The cab driver will be here in 1 minute, also while your out I suggest buying some new things to wear as your clothes are long overdue for being thrown away. Alright, ray no need to comment on how poor I am.

On the drive over Ray and Jake work on various things like setting up a plan for a company, getting a contractor, and also getting Jake a new Bed and Computer. After 20 minutes Jake settles on a company for Hunters to sell goods. The Hunters on this earth originally became an organization 200 years ago, when dungeons started appearing all over the place and causing havoc. So with the help of the hinters selling their materials Jake can make them into products useful for his company.

Ray, can you call the contractor and set and appointment date for today at 12pm? Will do, would you like me to forward the blueprint to the builder as well? Please do, also give me directions to the nearest clothing store that is decently nice. Done, while Jake was out he bought some new clothes that were his first pair of designer. While he was out he also bought new clothes for his brother along with some joggers and flannels.

After shopping he went to go meet the contractor and establish some new contacts. When he got into the office he contacted the reception desk and was leaded to the contractor. To his surprise it was a beautiful women probably around age 19 or 20.

Welcome Mr. Grandview I got your blueprint earlier that your secretary forwarded to me. The plan is doable and should only take 2-3 days to finish I see that you bought a run down warehouse on the outskirts of town, may I ask why not to be nosey.

Well Lexi, we are a trading corporation that is going to start trading with hunters first so we decided that since it's on the outskirts it would make the delivering process for hunters a lot easier and swifter.

Make sense, anyways I need you to sign these papers allowing me to work on your property and make damage to your property in order to renovate it. Jake signs the papers and then leaves shortly after having some tea.

Lexi had gotten started on the building meanwhile Jake was working hard and getting in the process of completing his quest. Ray had contacted the government for papers to officially establish their corporation and he sent out a request for hunters to meet them at the corporation headquarters in a few days. He had sent out an invitation to all the top S ranked hunters along with a few other A rank hunters who were pretty reliable.

Just a few hours later Ray had gotten a message. Jake we have just gotten approved for opening our business and establishing it on public grounds. Great, Ray can you read me my bank account balance? Sure, give me one seconds pulling it up right now. Your bank account balance is currently 2.4 million WGC. WHAT!??

Jake was extremely shocked when he heard that ray had earned that much money in just a matter of 12 hours. Ray, can you look into how much the deal was with Lexi. Sure, the deal with Lexi for the new Headquarters was 1.2 Million WGC. Alright, tell her we are going to pay half of it right now. Alright I will get back to you once we have transferred it.

Over at the worlds largest Stock Trading Company, Schwab. Boss, we have currently received news that a new trader has just earned 2.4 million WGC in 12 hours what would you like us to do? WHAT, someone earned 2.4 million WGC in 12 hours. Look into all his records, information, and who he is and what background he has I want this DONE NOW! All the hackers tried to hack into the system but luckily Ray was able to stop them before this was happening. Boss, we have a new report all of the hackers we hired to get this guys information are now sitting in jail awaiting trial.

While the Schwab employees were trying to figure out who Jake was he was out looking at new houses. Ray, pull me up penthouses in the middle of the city for rent. On it Jake, I have 10 results. The nicest one is going for 20,000 WGC credits a month, would you like to rent this out. Yes Ray go ahead I am going to pick up Kai from school to move, also sell our house with everything in it. Alright done I sold your house for 10% under and got 300 bidders in 20 seconds it was sold for 50,000 WGC credits.

Later that day, Jake looked into the system more after all he hadn't looked at it in 12 hours. He then saw CREDIT PRODUCER and ADVANCED MEAT HARVESTER. He looked under the information for the ADVANCED MEAT HARVESTER, and found that it turns monster meat into meat that humans can eat that gets ride of impurities, helps strengthen bones, and even gives them more energy.

He then bought one Credit Producer for 75 Credits, and didn't have enough to get any more machines. HE places the machine into his storage ring and ask Ray. Ray, is the Headquarters done? The headquarters are done now and ready for operation. Perfect, get me a ride over there the hunters should be there already.