After designing the first floor they had taken a break, they had passed about an hour designing a layout that was presented in a 3d hologram presented by ray when he was put into his phone form. after, ray went back into a watch and on Jakes wrist. Jake and Cody went to check on the cockpit as they had received some good news while in the meeting. To Jakes and Cody's surprise, the ship's personnel did a full scan of the surrounding million miles while in light speed travel and no ships were detected through their systems. Where the Grandview Empire was heading was a unexplored part of space by anyone in the galaxy and not many dared to go there as it was far into space, not even aliens had the technology to last out there that long. For humanity if this step was completed they would be put at the top charts. Now Jake plans to only let humans in for awhile and not start interacting with foreign races for awhile but those plans may change in the future if he attracts enough attention.
Jake, Cody, and Kai all went back down into their personal quarters which was finally done after 3 days of travel. They then continued on discussing the first floor for another half hour before finally deciding to move onto the second floor. The second floor would serve as one of the first living floors. This floor would have schools, universities, apartments, houses, parks, amusement parks, arcades and many other things that a normal city on earth would have. But to break them down they put them into 4 sectors of living. They had the first sector, which would serve as the sector for the wealthy people and the people who were considered important in the lower part of society in the empire. The wealthy people here were not considered extremely wealthy but had a few hundred thousand WGC in their accounts. They would be the ones who would rule this floor and represent the people of them. The other 3 went down in money scale and so on. The first sector wouldn't be trashy it would still be modern they would just need to grow their own food, they would not be under rule of anyone it's just things to live there cost lest but the quality is worse.
They then split the sectors into four parts. They would have the first part of the sectors which would be living. In the first sector it would consist of luxurious apartments and mansions for the richest people but not to luxurious to where people would start to get arrogant and treat the lowly people like trash. This was one of sectors rules is that the wealthy would not be able to bully the poor even if they were poor they were still humans and this is one of the rules Jake had to enforce as he knew what it was like to be treated like trash and be at the bottom of society. The second part of the sector would be the education part this would consist of multiple schools, and they would have 2 major universities that could hold 200k students each. They would have one ivy league school that was for the smartest and if people could graduate with a 3.8GPA or higher they could move up to the next living floor and given their own business. They had the third part which would be the military part, they would have a military recruit depot where people could go and be in the Armed Forces and move into the Highest Sector of the station once reaching the rank of Lieutenant. This was a dream that would definitely be desired by many people encouraging them to go in for a better life and even rise to the top as a government official. The 4th part of the sector would be the entertainment part, where people could find many things that you would find on earth, like amusement parks, theaters, arcades, and more. The second floor would then be divided and the lowest sector would have the best chances of moving up floors if graduating from ivy league schools as they would only accept so many people a year and they would also have a high chance of becoming part of the military or even STING Units. At the end they designed the entire second floor which was a massive 3d hologram almost 2 times the size of the first floor. They planned to have the space station a huge 15 stories tall and extremely wide being almost 5x the size of earth and being able to host many different races and the main goal of the station was to unite all the races no matter the difference in technology, but it was also to show off to the other races how much more superior they are.