Sassy Ru Meiqi

[Big sister, you're so amazing! How can you get it right?!] Shi Nian asked enthusiastically, her eyes shining shimmering splendid like a fangirl.

The woman lowered her eyes, seemingly embarrassed. "Nothing. It's just a habit."

[Big sister, what's your name? What did you come here for? Are you visiting someone? By the way, my name is Shi Nian. It's very nice to meet you!] Shi Nian wrote furiously in high spirits.

The woman's face remained deadpanned. "Yes, I am here to visit someone."

Shi Nian had just wanted to drop it off, thinking that they weren't that familiar with each other to the point where she could ask about her business freely. But before she could erase the words in her board, the woman continued. "I am here for you, and I know your name, Shi Nian."

Shi Nian raised her head in daze.

The woman stretched out her palm, a faint smile flashed by her eyes in a split second before disappearing. "My name is Ru Meiqi. It's very nice to meet you too, Shi Nian."

Ru Meiqi…

Even the name was the same.

Shi Nian felt her eyes watered and a burst of insuppressible emotion exploded in her chest. Joy, sadness, relief, exhilaration.

In the end, she could only shake Ru Meiqi's hands while trying her best to swallow down her sobs.

[May I call you…Sister Ru?]

Ru Meiqi blinked in a daze for a while before nodding briefly in which Shi Nian returned with her bright smile.

Was it a coincidence?

General Jiang Jinyan, her mother Qiang Fei, and now Sister Ru…they all had a connection in their past lives and now, in this modern world, they met once again with a brand new identity and rewritten memories.

It was truly magical…like destiny.

"Why…are you crying?" Ru Meiqi was so shocked that she turned muddleheaded.

Hmm? Shi Nian blinked and wiped her face only to find that it was wet with tears. Her eyes widened in shock as she hurriedly turned her head back and wiped it, mortified. Why the heck was she crying? What was she crying about?!

Shi Nian took a deep breath and recomposed herself. When she turned around, she had reverted into the same adorable and obedient Shi Nian if not for her slightly reddened eyes.

[It's nothing.] She smiled brilliantly and with her glistening eyes, those light brown eyes looked like a sea of gold was swirling within it, truly captivating and bewitching. [You just remind me of someone. It's just so…so similar.]


Xu Binchen had just strode out of the meeting room and sat on his chair, stealing some time for a shuteye when his phone suddenly beeped. It was a regulation not to take any calls or messages in the meeting room, thus he could only check it out when he was out.

There were two new messages, both from the police officers whom he had assigned to monitor Shi Nian.

[Detective Xu, a woman has just gone up to the fifth floor and made contact with Butterfly.]

Butterfly was a codename which the police department used for Shi Nian.

Frown appeared on Xu Binchen's forehead and he scowled. Then, his fingers tapped on the second message. [Nothing happened. We can't get the content of their conversation but based on Butterfly's reaction, there is no emergency.]

Attached on the message below was a photo which was taken from afar. Xu Binchen clicked on it and enlarged it. The photographer seemingly had been standing outside in the lawn as he took the photo of the fifth floor. The transparent window enabled him to do it smoothly.

Xu Binchen could easily recognize Shi Nian who was smiling so wide that the corner of her lips almost reached her ears.

His frown turned deeper. What was she so happy about?

Then, he moved to the person opposite her. Large wavy brown hair, small build, fair skin. He could only see her profile which was a little blurry, but it was enough to investigate. He replied quickly. [Look for her identity and send it to me ASAP[1].]

No matter how unsuspicious the person was, he couldn't let his guard down.

Xu Binchen drew his head closer to the screen as he opened the photograph once again. The woman's profile…why did it look slightly familiar as if he had seen her somewhere before? But where was it?

He was submerged in his own thoughts while waiting for response when there was a clamor in the lobby outside of their office.

Xu Binchen instinctively raised his head only to meet face to face with the person in the photograph which he had been scrutinizing for.

Xu Binchen: "…" Am I too tired to the point of hallucinating?

He saw Tang Wei's face flushed crimson as he bowed in utmost respect, offering his chair for the woman which she accepted unabashedly.

The weird woman had a casual and feminine style in clothes, very stylish and elegant. Her every movement made her hair flutter like cotton candy. Yet her unfocused eyes made her always look absentminded as if her thoughts were flying out to wonderland.

"Please sit. Please sit." Tang Wei's voice resounded, very sweet and sticky to the point of nauseating. "What do you want to drink?"

Xu Binchen rose from his seat and approached them in two or three steps with his long legs. "Who are you? Unauthorized personnel aren't allowed here. And Tang Wei, since when did you become a coffee boy? If you'd like to do so, then make me one too."

Tang Wei gritted his teeth, veins bulging out of his neck but in front of his goddess, he could do nothing but to smile and comply while cursing Xu Binchen inside.

The unknown woman sized him up and down and Xu Binchen returned the favor. For a while, the narrow lobby of the Special Crime Investigation Unit was filled with sparks and gunpowder. In the end, the woman snorted. "Are you that distasteful man?"

Xu Binchen frowned, displeasure evident between his brows.

At that exact moment, his phone vibrated.

The woman stood up and brushed aside the invisible dust clinging on her clothes.

Xu Binchen glanced down and scanned through the message. [Detective Xu! She's Ru Meiqi, the criminal psychologist from the main headquarters!]

Ru Meiqi stretched out her hand toward him. "It's not very nice to meet you. I am Ru Meiqi, and I am not an unauthorized person. The main headquarters gives me the same authority as your captain which means that I am your superior. If this has been your behavior in my turf, then you will have to pack your things off and scram by the time I finish speaking."

[1] As soon as possible :D