Shivering Little Animal

Night at the hospital was eerily quiet. Every single sound, no matter how small it was, would be magnified indefinitely. The hushed voices, soft footsteps, crackling light bulbs, the door opening and closing.

In the empty hallway of the fifth floor, once again, there was a series of light footsteps that were getting closer and closer to Shi Nian's room.

Shi Nian had been sleeping soundly, but maybe because it was a conditional response, once she heard those footsteps, her eyes snapped open amidst the dark and the first thing she saw was the clock on the wall.

1:55 am.

She looked over and was instantly met with a pair of sharp, deep eyes, staring intently at her. Her breath hitched on her throat and her heart stopped. She widened her eyes in fright and it took a few seconds for her to realize that it was Xu Binchen's eyes.

...Really, she forgot Xu Binchen was here and almost got a heart attack.

The man put his fingers on his lips and gestured for her to not move.