Did You Enjoy Killing Her?

At 7:30 in the morning, Yu Chuan had just kissed his wife and children, put on his shiny leather shoes, carried a briefcase and came out of the door when he was intercepted by a burly man with an overly bright smile.

Yu Chuan's brows furrowed in vigilance. But his years of job and education had tempered his tongue so that he could talk smoothly without a hint of offensive tone. "Sorry, may I ask who you are?"

"Mr. Yu Chuan?" The man showed a paper to his face and grinned. "You are being invited by our Captain to have tea in the police station. Please don't struggle and follow me obediently."

Yu Chuan froze. "P—Police?"

Ke Shao stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him in an intimate gesture as if they were long lost brothers. He gestured toward a nearby car that was parked on the roadside. "Don't worry, we just want to ask you a few questions."