You Will Get Used To It

Jin Renguang straightened in his seat. "What do you mean?"

Ru Meiqi strode quickly, half jogging and half running to the desolate part of the village, near the dense banana and mango tree where she parked her car. Slamming the door shut, she put the phone on speaker and started the car. "According to criminal psychology, the first victim of every budding psychopath will unwittingly—proven by data—to be someone they know. They would be invested both emotionally and psychologically in their first killing. But in Qian Ke's case, it is clear that she didn't have much to do with the culprit. She came from a faraway village, and the time she spent in City S was less than two months. Even if the culprit was involved with her, he would need sufficient and meticulous planning; considering that he didn't leave any trace of evidence, nor did he show any incompetence in executing it. Two months' time wasn't enough."