I Can't Be a Coward

Jin Renguang straightened his collar and knocked on the door.

"Come in," The voice from inside answered.

Jin Renguang opened and closed the door behind him gently, only creating a soft click sound. The man behind the table lifted his head and upon seeing Jin Renguang, he took off his myopic glasses. "Xiao Jin[1]? You're here?"

If it was any other person, even if it was his own parents who called him by this kind of cheesy nickname, he would have complained. But unfortunately, the other party was someone that he couldn't offend no matter what.

Jin Renguang performed a standard military salute. "Major General Fen."

Fen Huiguan, the Director of City S Police Bureau, laughed when he heard that title. "You're late. I retired long ago. Now, there's a new major general in the military already. You should know him."

"I know." Jin Renguang nodded as he scanned his eyes on the gray haired, robust, majestic man. "But no matter what, you're my major and it will not change."