Please Let Me See Him

At the end of May, the cherry blossom trees outside the hospital shed their last petals, each of it swayed gently to cover the asphalt road in a pale pink color and when she looked out of the window of her room, it looked just like an oil painting that depicted blue horizon and the budding summer where spring clung onto it, seemingly like it didn't want to leave yet.

Shi Nian received the last session of physiotherapy and was deemed completely healthy, with 100% recovery of her motoric nerves and reaction. Finally, she could get out of the hospital soon. The phone in her pocket buzzed and she unlocked it to find a new chat from her mother.

[Qiang Fei]: Baby, mama will arrive this weekend!

[Qiang Fei]: What does mama's baby want? Mama will buy it for you

Shi Nian chewed her lips to contain her smile and replied.

[Ten Years]: Mama, I miss you very much. Hmm, I haven't thought of anything yet.

[Qiang Fei]: Okay. Tell me if you think of something.