Police Vs Serial Killer

City A People Hospital's gate was swarmed with people carrying recording equipment, heavy cameras and mics. Security guards fiercely scowled as they maintained the order, using their flesh and soul to block the gate. "Go back! What are you all doing here, obstructing the way? This is a hospital! What if emergency patients got stuck behind because of you? Go back!"

But it was like their words dissipated into thin air, ignored and uncared for.

It wasn't until the police siren rang in the distance that the reporter perked up. Yet, instead of leaving, each of their faces showed palpable excitement instead. "Finally, the police arrived! Hurry, hurry, start the recording!"

The security guards' faces almost turned blue due to anger.

Three police cars stopped behind the rows of mini vans from various news stations. The door of the car in the very front swung open and a long leg stepped out. The reporters instantly swarmed into that person without even looking properly at who he was.