Stop Acting Like a Sissy

Ru Meiqi drove her car into the underground parking lot with ease. Her hands holding the steering wheel were as steady as ever but her soft lips were pursed tight in nerves. The security guard at the underground parking lot gave her a few glances and jotted down her car's plate number. "Miss, how long do you plan on staying? Should I upgrade your lot to VIP?" he asked as she came out and approached.

Ru Meiqi smiled faintly. "No need. I will be quick."

Her high heels made a sharp clicking sound on the marble floor as she pushed the glass door open and stepped into a luxurious hotel lobby. Foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes could be seen lounging around with a few local Asian faces strolling by. The women who sat behind the receptionist counter offered a smile as they saw her. A bellboy pushing a trolley filled with suitcases passed through, greeting her along the way. "Hello Miss. Welcome to Shangri-La Hotel & Entertainment. How may I help you?"