No Longer Him

This year, Jiang Jinyan ought to be in his second year of university but because he repeated a grade in junior high, he became a freshman instead. Alas—again—because of the car accident, his sport scholarship and the guaranteed place in the Olympics sport major came to naught and he turned into a wild ghost, drifting around with no destination in mind.

Ever since Jiang Jinyan was small, he had no interest in study. However, he had an unusually sharp mind, able to calculate his steps far ahead and resilient toward challenges. Jiang Huocheng said that he was born to be in business but Jiang Jinyan didn't think so.

He didn't want to mingle with people who put on fake masks as they tried to probe each other's thoughts, pretending to be friends in front only to stab the other on the back. Such a life was very tiring.