Just A Little Sister

The landlord himself had declared thus the tenants could do nothing but obey. Xu Binchen's room was situated on the twentieth as well as the highest floor. The higher it was, the wider each space of the room would be. From the first floor to the fifteenth, there were five rooms on each floor. Sixteenth to nineteenth, three rooms and the mighty twentieth floor only had two rooms. One of which was Xu Binchen's and the other would be occupied by Qiang Fei and Shi Nian from here on.

It was honestly too luxurious, so to speak and Qiang Fei was ready to give a final struggle but the man's reason had been too logical. "It's safer to live beside a police officer. If something happens, you can directly cross the floor to my door and in case are there any suspicious people, we can identify them easily. There is 360 degree CCTV on my floor, no blind spot. Safety guaranteed. It's much more efficient this way."

…it was the best situation for both Shi Nian and Qiang Fei.