She Wanted To Stay By His Side

In the dark alley between the houses, hidden from the streetlamps, four bodies spread across the ground, groaning and panting in pain. A tall silhouette stood as he grasped onto another man's collar, his fist hammered again and again onto the latter's face.

Each punch was very hard, swift and merciless. "You madman…laozi will kill you—ah! Damn you! You crazy bastard!" The fight was clearly one sided. Even though the man kept on cursing, he was obviously on the losing side.

Blow upon blow fell upon his face until the end, the man's curses weakened but the attacker hadn't relented. After making his head swollen like a pig, he proceeded to step onto the man's fingers that fell limply on the ground. The man's eyes widened in pain and shock, his mouth opened to let out a piercing scream…only to be clamped by the attacker's bloody palm before he could even let out a squeak.

"Shut up. Don't make a ruckus, or else I will kill you here." he hissed in a low tone.