Don't Let Me See You Again

This time, Shi Nian was really wrongly accused.

Even though she often snuck around the nineteenth floor for a chance to see Jiang Jinyan again, she wouldn't stoop so low to stalk him. Even if she didn't know him inside out, Shi Nian could confidently say that she understood him quite well.

Jiang Jinyan was a lone wolf. He liked to be alone and he hated people disturbing him. Thus, the only thing Shi Nian could do was to look at him from afar, both in their past lives and now. Holding his arm back when he was going to send himself to death and asking for his WeChat ID had been the most courageous thing she had ever done.

Shi Nian was on her way to the cafeteria when she inadvertently saw Jiang Jinyan.

She had stood in place as she looked at his back. Scrutinized the way he walked, the way his fingers curled subconsciously, the way he would shift his balance to the left, she took in all of that greedily as if wanting to commit it into memory.