Got it, Boyfriend?

"This is quite a tricky situation." Ru Meiqi commented, her arms crossed in front of her chest. In the dim car, only the light from the screen illuminated her and Xu Binchen's face.

"I know." Jin Renguang's solemn voice resounded from the other side of the video. Exhaustion evident on his brows and his whole person looked unkempt. "But this is a priceless clue, too precious for us to let it go."

"I understand it, but..." Ru Meiqi sighed. "Are you really sure that it's trustworthy?"

Headlights from cars shone onto their faces once in a while. Xu Binchen's hands rested on the steering wheel as he squinted his eyes. His line of sight went to the billboard up above which signed 'Dreamscape Bar'. This was one of the most luxurious and official bars in the Capital. Its owner was mysterious, but rumors had it that it was opened by a high rank official.