Don't Move Or I'll Kill You

Jin Renguang stopped his car a distance away from the target and switched off the police siren. Night was descending rapidly and the skyscraper was gradually filled with myriad dots of lights, slightly dispersing the chill caused by the cold air.

Ke Shao was currently communicating with the other side. "Yes, we have arrived at the west gate, 600 meters away. No problem, we're currently in a private parking lot. Yes…okay, sure. I will relay it to the Captain." He hung up the call and said, "Captain, we have locked down on the culprit."

"Who is it?" Jin Renguang asked.

The corner of Ke Shao's lips curled up in a sneer. "It's Yu Chuan."

A former acquaintance, Mr. Salesman who became the culprit's scapegoat willingly, Yu Chuan.