What Made Him Suspicious?

Jin Renguang wore two pieces of airpods, yet each piece reported different information from two people, plus the tablet in front of him was showing a video call with Tang Wei.

"Captain, Yu Chuan has gone out with the substitute and Granny Kong. They are heading to the south gate."

"Captain, we are 200 meters from each gate."

"Captain, Yu Chuan pulled out a phone."

"His phone rang!"

Jin Renguang barked out, "Find the signal! Check who's the caller!" He changed the gear shift amidst the continuous report. "Tang Wei, be ready!"

"Aye, Sir!"

Beside him, Ke Shao held onto the handle as he drew on the maps. "Captain, I have eliminated the places that can be used as a hideout."

"Shit!" Tang Wei cursed loudly. "Captain, the call is only connected for three seconds and the other side doesn't even speak a word!"

Jin Renguang's eyes darkened. "We have been busted. The general direction of the signal?"

"Twenty degrees from the southeast!"