Just For This Once

The elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor and Jiang Jinyan exited. "Thank you for the ride, Detective Xu." He reluctantly added. "Miss Shi."

Shi Nian beamed brightly and waved him goodbye.

The elevator closed again as Shi Nian hummed a random tune silently.

"Do you like him that much?" He asked the question which Jiang Jinyan had just asked less than twenty four hours ago. Was it that obvious? Shi Nian scratched her nose and sheepishly nodded.

Anger rushed to Xu Binchen's head as the elevator stopped on their floor. He directly strode out and left her behind, annoyed to spend even one more second in that space.

Shi Nian looked at his back, dumbfounded. What was wrong with him again?

She intended to chase after him but he had already pulled out his key and opened the door. Come to think of it, he looked much more unenergetic and silent than usual? Was it because of the all nighters he pulled these past few days?