Come Here And...Hug Me

Early in the morning, Shi Nian drifted to the kitchen, her eyes still closed as she grabbed some drink. As usual, there was a note from Qiang Fei stuck on the refrigerator. [Mama has gone to work. There's congee in the pot. Share it with Detective Xu.]

Shi Nian opened the lid and the warm and delicious fragrance of meat congee spread through the air. Shi Nian's stomach gurgled and she took a small bowl for herself, wolfing it down in seconds like a hungry ghost. Only then did she feel more sober to discern her surroundings.

The curtain hadn't been drawn and faint streak of golden lights had started to break through the horizon. Shi Nian glanced toward the clock. Only 6.00 am. She yawned and went to freshen herself up. After that, she grabbed her phone and crossed the floor to Xu Binchen's door.