Let Me Wash Your Face

The tragic case of Mr. Wu Wengen's death was solved in less than three days. It was quite a remarkable and decisive disclosure, with all the witnesses, testimony and proof laid out in the open. The only thing left to do was to straighten some things out and make a comprehensive report.

The murderer that was wandering around the apartment district was caught because of Jiang Jinyan's timely report.

Even when he was brought into the police station, he was still struggling ceaselessly. "Let go of me! What is the meaning of this?! Can the police casually arrest someone innocent?!" With his unkempt appearance, body reeked with stinky sweat, he looked very much like a madman.

A police officer pulled on his handcuffed hands and smacked his head angrily. "Shut up! I will beat you up if you keep on yelling!"

"Ha. Come! Come ah! See, is this how a police officer should behave?! Beating up people casually?!"