Why Hadn't She Left Yet?

Jiang Jinyan's pupils dilated in shock but in the next second, he regained his senses. His tone was exceedingly cold. "What do you want?" 

He breathed slowly, feeling his temple throb and his heart skipped a beat before drumming faster than before, even though his appearance betrayed nothing of his thoughts.

Shi Nian looked up at him with a smile, so bright as if the previous event between them never happened to begin with. [Have you eaten yet?]

A familiar question. A familiar tone.

Jiang Jinyan's fingers on the doorframe tightened until his knuckles turned white. The slight movement caught Shi Nian's attention and her eyes widened in shock. She held his hand gently, her face anxious.

His eyes trailed to see his injured knuckles with half dried blood stuck onto it. Because of his pale skin, the dark blood stain seemed especially conspicuous. It was indeed quite a scary sight. He cursed inwardly as he had forgotten to clean the wounds there.