You Don't Have Enough Money?

Even though Shi Nian's confession was rejected, her life still went on as usual. At most, it was just her who was often distracted in class, causing Teacher Yao to call on her to answer the Mathematics question twice. Fortunately, Shi Nian's forte had always been in numerical subjects. 

After racking her brain and writing the answer on the blackboard, Shi Nian heaved a sigh in relief. She managed to avoid the embarrassment of standing in front of the class because of daydreaming.

On the podium, Teacher Yao's face was slightly displeased yet satisfied at the same time. "Good, classmate Shi Nian can answer this question that's out of last year's exam context. Actually, it isn't that difficult, you just have to understand how to line up the function." After Teacher Yao explained the theoretical knowledge of derivative function, she ended it with a gentle admonishment. "However, being able to do questions doesn't mean you can zone out in class, understand?"