I Trust You

Shi Nian looked at her class' unpleasant atmosphere and heaved a sigh. She stood up and walked to Li Qing's desk. [Did you do it?]

"No!" Li Qing's head snapped up, eyes brimming with tears. "It's not me! It's not me who did it! Really!"

Li Qing didn't know what else to say except denying it. She didn't have any proof and everyone was suspicious of her. If she was in Shi Nian's position, she would doubt herself too. The light in her eyes dimmed and she lowered her head, fists clenched by her side.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Shi Nian patted her shoulder. [I trust you.]

Li Qing couldn't believe what she was seeing. She wiped her tears roughly, asking in a trembling voice. "W—What?"

Mo Ling shook off Chen Jiawei's hands and rushed forward. "What did you say? What did you just write?"

Shi Nian showed her notebook to Mo Ling. Under her astonished gaze, Shi Nian nodded firmly, a faint smile on her face.