Would You Believe Me?

The only light from the music room came from the gaps of the drawn curtain which fell onto the black piano and illuminated the flying dust in the air. It was completely dark and the uncertainty caused courage to dwindle. Shi Nian was so spooked by the previous event that she still felt lingering fear, her forehead was covered in sweat.

In front of her, a tall figure put his forefingers on his lips, gesturing for her to not make a ruckus.

Shi Nian nodded and the boy in school uniform tightened his hold on her wrist, gently pulling her aside. He stuck to the door and opened it a bit, only enough for the intermittent buzz and commanding voice of a male to slip in. "…gather at the assembly point on the track field. Over."

Shi Nian remembered that the voice belonged to Detective Qin Weizhe's. It seemed like he was the one who was in charge of Li Qing's case.