Thirteen, Dead. One, Alive.

Hearing that sentence, their blood instantly ran cold. "T—That person is still here?!"

"What to do? Should we call the police?!"

"Hush, don't you know that Boss is a police officer himself?!"

"Ah, sorry—I was so nervous that I forgot about that…"

Xu Binchen gave out orders systematically. The staff members were mobilized to search in the empty rooms in a two person group. "Seal the gate and keep watch around the front gate and back door. If there's someone suspicious, immediately report it, understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Chairs were pushed back and everyone was ready to move. At that moment, the cleaning auntie suddenly raised her hand. "Um—Mr. Xu, I feel like I have seen that person before."

It was as if someone had just pressed on the pause button. All movement halted and the noises ceased.

Xu Binchen turned to the middle aged woman with wrinkled face and white hairs on her temple. "Auntie He, are you sure?"