Really Want To Hold...

"They ganged up on her?" Jiang Jinyan frowned.

Xu Binchen added as he fed a spoonful of curry fried rice into his mouth. "Not only that, they also threatened to call you out."

"Then why didn't she call me?" he demanded.

In the next second, both men's eyes simultaneously turned to Shi Nian who wished that she had a shell so that she could shrink inside and escape from their piercing eyes. One Xu Binchen was already enough and now, adding Jiang Jinyan to the group…

Oh how she wished to just drop dead and faint.

Shi Nian didn't know when, but when she realized it, there was already a strange sense of camaraderie between the two men and she often saw them huddling in the corner, whispering who knows what to each other. Shi Nian was sulking, feeling like she had been left behind.

The rice noodle soup in front of her was only half eaten, but somehow Shi Nian had already felt bloated.