Couple Box

The book café was situated in the centre of the city with a shopping district around. Thus, this one, cozy place looked especially conspicuous with the huge bookshelf that could be seen from the display window. Jiang Jinyan parked on an empty spot and got out of the car. He didn't know how to react as he looked at the two storey building. "You…are sure this is the place?"

"Yes!" Shi Nian harrumphed proudly, then seeing the strange look in Jiang Jinyan's face, she blinked nervously. "Why? You—You don't like it? Hmm wait a minute…" She tapped on her phone, flustered. "Then we will go to another place—"

"No." Jiang Jinyan covered her phone screen, his eyes curving faintly. "It's very interesting. I have never been here before so I am quite…intrigued."

Hearing no rejection in his voice, Shi Nian was invigorated again and started to babble, "I have checked on the internet. This is the place with the highest rating! They have a wide variety of book genres…"