She Was Worth More Than That

Yan Jihuan's face paled further, her complexion grew ashy. In the end, she couldn't hold back anymore and sobbed quietly on the bed, large droplets of tears streaming down her face. Jin Renguang had never seen Yan Jihuan cry so pitifully before. In his memory, she was always strong, dependable and cheerful. 

"If you don't want to see me anymore, I will resign." He hardened his heart to say, shocking her out of her soul.

"NO!" Yan Jihuan exclaimed in panic. "Y—You…You are the best soldier I have ever seen! Brother Jin, you're born to be in the Special Forces. Please don't…don't throw it away…"

Jin Renguang sighed and his jumbled heart finally softened slightly. After all, this was his closest comrade who had gone through life and death situations with him countless times throughout the years. He approached her and wiped her tears, his brows furrowing. "…Sorry." Except for sorry, he didn't know what to say.