I Am Giving You One Last Chance

"No…that, who is that? Where's our baby?" She sought around in a desperate manner. The sympathetic glance from the nurses and doctor entered her sight. In an instant, her heart sank heavily and she gasped for breath, tears sliding down her cheeks. "Brother Jin, I—"

"You lied to me?" Jin Renguang asked lightly, his eyes desolate and barren, just like his heart. "You lied to me, Yan Jihuan?" His grip on the baby tightened and as if perceiving Jin Renguang's hostile mood, the baby opened his mouth and wailed loudly. His cries soft and heartbreaking.

Yan Jihuan's eyes widened in terror. "No, my baby! Don't hurt my baby!"

"Madam Jin!" The doctor held her back in place. "You must not move around!"

"My baby—doctor, my baby!!" Yan Jihuan shrieked as she saw Jin Renguang's chilling smile, then her eyes rolled backward and she fainted. The doctor gasped in shock and chased Jin Renguang out of the room after the nurse took over the newborn baby.