You Have Also Lost Me

Jin Renguang didn't care about his dislocated arm and bruised waist, nor did he care about the running Yan Jihuan. All his attention was on the baby in his arms. The last time Jin Renguang gazed upon the baby was when he was sent into the incubator with multiple tubes piercing his tender skin. At that time, the baby was still alive and kicking, crying loudly and pitifully.

But now, he was already breathless. His face puckered as if in pain until his last breath and his lips had turned into a shade of blue and purple.

"Jin, I found Yan Jihuan! She wanted to attack me!" 

When Immortal dragged the struggling Yan Jihuan into the room, what he saw was the silhouette of Jin Renguang kneeling, trying to perform emergency first aid to the baby who had just stopped breathing. Sweat dotted his forehead, and his eyes were red.