I Like You This Much

"Why did you come in?"

"Why are you running out without an umbrella?"

Both of them asked at the same time.

Shi Nian ran to Jiang Jinyan without thinking and the man instantly pulled her closer to shield her from the heavy rain. However, his effort was deemed futile because the girl's hair was already dampened with water, even her face wasn't spared from the onslaught although her eyes still shone as bright as ever as they were fixed on him.

Jiang Jinyan sighed helplessly. "Don't you have an umbrella?"

Shi Nian patted the bulge at the side of her bag, grinning. "I forgot. Sorry, did you wait long? Someone came to talk to me so I was delayed for a moment."

"Someone?" Jiang Jinyan titled his umbrella enough for his eyes to meet with Zhang Jiancheng across the rain curtain. "Him?"

Shi Nian followed his line of sight and felt a rare moment of guilt. Wait, what was she guilty of anyway? "Yes...but I don't have anything to do with him!"