Unable To Muster Any Fear

Jiang Jinyan's jaws almost dropped to the floor.

He looked at Jia Ming'en's empty eye socket and the eyeballs that he rotated between his fingers casually, too flabbergasted to form any words.

"Surprised?" the man asked.

He wasn't only surprised, he almost got a heart attack, okay?!

Jiang Jinyan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. His entire back was drenched in cold sweat. The adrenaline receded from his system, causing his entire body to feel weak as he leaned against the headboard, too tired to even show any expression. "…Artificial eye?"

"Right." Nodding, he popped his eye in like one wore contact lenses, blinking a few times to adjust himself to the sensation. "How is it?" he asked, widening his eyes for Jiang Jinyan to see.