There's More Than Four?

The scene in her dream was a blur, but she could hear her own rapid heartbeat and harsh breathing so vividly in her ears. 

Fear, anxiety, nervousness and intense panic overwhelmed her. It was wretchedly similar to how close she was to breaking down earlier as she held the unconscious Jiang Jinyan in her arms.

Although in the dream, there was no Jiang Jinyan and no gangsters who would hurt them either.

She was running with all her might. Occasionally, she would turn her head to check the sight behind her. In front of her was an endless passage whose end couldn't be seen. Rooms lined up neatly on both sides with each door closed with a special lock.

It had been such a long time since Shi Nian ran this hard. Her lungs were burning due to lack of oxygen and her legs almost gave up beneath her. Yet she never stopped. The desire to survive and get out of this hellish place was the fuel which kept her going.