You're Just Making Things Worse

"Shi Nian!" Ruo Tingran screeched sharply, her eyes breathing fire. "You—you did it on purpose, didn't you?! How dare you!"

Despicable! She was such a wicked bitch! Ruo Tingran had just planned to give Shi Nian another lesson after the school ended but who could guess that she would be the more vicious one and directly exposed everything in the forum?! Where would Ruo Tingran put her face after this? What would she do if her mother found out about it?!

"Delete it for me, right now!" She demanded in an authoritative tone.

The whole class turned strangely silent. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Ruo Tingran with a weird gaze. Although they weren't as smart as Zhang Jiancheng, they weren't stupid either, okay? The recording had already exposed everything and it was clear that Ruo Tingran had done many bad things to Shi Nian. So, what right did she have to give demands as if she owned the place?