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In one glance, the apartment building amidst the boisterous city looked no different than the other. It had fifteen floors with the walls painted in soft, creamy colors. Clean ceramic tiles. Brightly lit rooms. When one stepped in, there would be a polite, smiley and courteous receptionist greeting them. No matter from which angle it was seen, it looked very homey and pleasant.

However, no one knew that this ordinary apartment building was the nest for the members in the mafia organization.

After escaping from the gruesome scene a few days ago, Sui Chenyou returned with a broken nose, internal injuries, bruises and ruined fingers. 

Everyone was shocked. Didn't Bro Sui just go out to teach some girl a lesson? How could he return like this? Moreover, where's the other four who went with him?!

"G–Go ah! Go and give Bro Sui a treatment!" 

"Ah, okay!"