Just Stay With Me

"What are you two standing around for?" The sudden voice from behind shocked Luo Ning so much that he almost jumped like a cat whose tail was being stepped on.

"D—Detective Xu!" Luo Ning clutched his heart which was beating rapidly, gasping. "Oh my God, why didn't I hear you coming at all?!"

Xu Binchen gave him a contempted gaze and moved to see the wall in front of Qin Weizhe, his brows furrowing.

Qin Weizhe asked, "How is it, Old Xu? What is it like on the other end of the tunnel?"

"This should be an old mining site. I found traces of wheels and machines. Also, this space here ought to be illegally dugged because there's a fork path up ahead. One side of it led to the entrance of the mine, while the other side…" Xu Binchen pondered for a while. "I sensed some people's activity so I didn't dare to venture deeper casually. But from the smell, I'm sure it is gunpowder."

"Gunpowder?!" Luo Ning exclaimed in shock.