Am I Interrupting Something?

Ever since Jiang Jinyan was hospitalized, Shi Nian took over to feed his kitten. She also slept with it and took a bunch of photos together. Shi Nian wondered if he would smile more if she showed it to him.

Wednesday morning was a self study session thus Shi Nian directly took half a day of absence and departed to the hospital, carrying a bag of homemade dishes and broth soup with her. It was still quite early for Jiang Jinyan to have breakfast so it was the perfect time to bring him the food. As she walked into the hospital lobby, Shi Nian's lips curled upward as she imagined how Jiang Jinyan would react when he saw her at this hour. Would he be pleasantly surprised or…would he be angry instead?

The elevator brought Shi Nian up and she had just stepped out when Nurse Xia Yu caught sight of her. "Miss Shi!" Surprise, she asked. "So, have you heard of the news too?"

Shi Nian blinked in confusion. "What news?"