He Will Not Be Killed, Right?

Qin Weizhe led four other men as they rushed through the dense forest and climbed the mountain, their boots thumped lightly on the ground. He and Luo Ning raced in front while three others covered behind them. For a while, there was only the sound of twigs snapping, leaves rustling and soft, rapid breathing.

Until at one point of time, Qin Weizhe suddenly stopped and raised his fist.

They halted swiftly and following Qin Weizhe's direction, saw a red dot twinkling above the tree. One of the members nodded, jumped agilely and crushed the mini CCTV, the whole movement didn't even take two seconds. "Clear." He whispered.

"Okay, let's sweep around first." Qin Weizhe ordered. They dispersed briskly and returned a few minutes later. "Three cameras around eight hundred meters from the base…" he muttered.

"Are we close to the warehouse?" Luo Ning asked in a whisper.

"Maybe. But my gut feeling said that this is only the first layer."