Freedom Isn't an Option

Lei Liqiu looked at her own reflection in the mirror. She had full makeup on her face, elegantly drawn eyebrows, eyeliner to highlight her peach blossom eyes with eyelashes coated with mascara. The red rouge on her lips made her face look brighter and more sensual if not for the gaunt and anxious look on her face.

Her hands had managed to crumple the hem of her flowy, fabulous dress into a mess. Still, cold sweat still dampened her skin ceaselessly. 

Nervousness and anxiety had been a loyal friend ever since she arrived here. 

Everyone spent their days in fear and jittery, afraid that their ride to doom would arrive. Lei Liqiu had it easier. Xu Binchen had staked his claim on her and because of it, she could grasp onto a tiny bit of security in this place.

Soon, everything was going to end.