This Is Only a Warning

Mo Xin was assigned to another influential figure in the end and they parted ways. Their group was escorted into the yacht by Manager Si himself, proving that their status was more important than others. As soon as they stepped in, Lei Liqiu could feel everyone's eyes fall on them.

"Oh my, who might they be?"

"I haven't seen them before. How about you?"

"So young. Are they new entrepreneurs? Rookie businessman?"

"Hush, watch your words. Do you think this place is one that anyone can step into?"

Lei Liqiu tightened her hold on Xu Binchen's arm. More than fear, she felt uncomfortable instead to be subjected to such inquisitive gazes, much to her surprise. She peeked at the man by her side through lowered eyelashes and couldn't help but admit that Mr. Xu was the reason. Ever since he arrived, an unprecedented sense of security and relief overwhelmed Lei Liqiu, so much that she almost mistook the feelings as if she was missing him.