If It's Lost, Then Let It Be

"Mr. Xu…!"

"Mr. Xu, please hang on!"

Who…? Xu Binchen frowned. Who was yelling for him with such an ugly crying voice? 

The last thing he recalled before he lost consciousness was enveloping Lei Liqiu in his embrace as they plunged into the sea. Water rushed into his senses and his eyes remained sharp as he checked on the panicking girl. He tried to hold her down but was instead kicked on his shin. The water buoyancy shielded half of the force but it caused him to lose his grip on her. At the same time, the back of his head—which was struck by the wooden box back in the storage room—throbbed painfully.

He grimaced in pain and involuntarily gulped in some water.

Not good! He tried to swim up to the surface yet his leg just had to be cramped right at that moment. He cursed vehemently as he could only see Lei Liqiu getting further and further away from himself.