Go For The Kill

"You are…"

Lei Liqiu snapped out of her thoughts and stood up, bowing. "Good evening. My name is Lei Liqiu."

Shi Nian's pupils constricted as soon as she heard that name. The same face, same name… First it was her mother, sister Meiqi, Jia Ming'en and now, even sister Liqiu appeared. By now, Shi Nian had kinda gotten used to the fact that the people from her past life would intersect with her at some point, whether they were only passersby or important figures in her life. 

One aspect that remained the same was; they had no recollection of the past.

Shi Nian blinked and gave a huge, bright smile. "Hello, my name is Shi Nian. You're Xu Binchen gege's friend?"

Lei Liqiu was taken aback by the sudden question. "Ah, no. I am not…"

"Why are you such a busybody?" Xu Binchen grumbled, pulling Shi Nian's attention back to him. "Look at you, you're all sweaty and messy. Don't tell me you ran up the stairs? So eager to see me?"