He Has Been Monitoring Me

"You're going to be okay. Here, just put on this earpiece and go inside to listen to what she wants to say." Xu Binchen nagged again for the third time. "No need to feel scared. She will be monitored thoroughly and her hands are handcuffed."

Shi Nian slipped the earpiece on and laughed. "I know. You have already said it three times. I'm not afraid, Binchen Gege. Moreover…" 

Li Qing's death. Should Shi Nian be happy to hear that Li Qing didn't commit suicide voluntarily? Perhaps this was a residual guilt gnawing on her, or perhaps what she needed was this closure. Whatever it was, as soon as she heard Ruo Tingran wanted to meet her, she instantly agreed without further thoughts.

"Moreover what?" Xu Binchen noticed that her hair got caught between the cable and reached out to help her loosen it. However, before his hands could reach, another hand landed on Shi Nian's shoulder from behind and pulled her backward.