I Will Always Wait For You

The days passed by as usual. After the incident with Ruo Tingran, there wasn't any remarkable event in Shi Nian's life. Her days were filled with studying, studying and studying. Qiang Fei was promoted to be a branch leader and got busier due to that. In exchange, Shi Nian often spent time with Jiang Jinyan.

She would do her homework while he's working on his assignment. After that, they played with Little Apple, had dinner together and cuddled sometimes. It couldn't be more fulfilling than that.

Everything was so peaceful on the surface, unaware that there was a huge storm coming soon afterward. 

Xu Binchen was either not at home or he would return in the middle of the night. It seemed like work had piled up lately. Sometimes, Shi Nian's message wouldn't even be read until a few days later.