Damn It...Not Now!

"Haa…Haa…" Xu Binchen stopped by the roadside for a while to regain his breathing. All the running caused nausea to churn his stomach and his temples throbbed in pain. He swore he would take a week of leave from Captain Jin after everything had ended.

The cold water he poured earlier over his head had evaporated into white mists, mixed in it was his own perspiration. So much for sobering himself up, now everything was in vain, he grumbled inwardly.

"Excuse me…" A passerby approached and asked carefully. "Are you okay, Sir?"

Veins popped up in his forehead. "Do I look that awful to you?"

"Huh?" Taken aback, the passerby scratched his head awkwardly. "Sorry, you look like you're about to faint…"

Xu Binchen straightened up and nodded politely. "I am perfectly fine. Thank you, Sir."

"Are you sure—hey!" Xu Binchen strode past him, turned into a corner and disappeared in a blink of an eye, disregarding the other person's protests.