It's Really You...

Shi Nian curled up and clutched her furiously beating chest, wheezing. 

Calm down…. Calm down, Shi Nian. You can't collapse. Not right now.

How was Qiang Fei? The last time she saw her…was she alright? What about Jiang Jinyan? Did his disappearance have something to do with this? There were so many questions in her mind yet no one could give her the answers.

Just like what happened that day, she was alone again.

Shi Nian shook her head to eliminate all negative thoughts and stood up gingerly. What was important right now wasn't to brood, but to think of how to escape from this situation. 

She grimaced and touched the back of her head. The sudden burning sting made her jolt in shock. Traces of half dried blood stained her fingers. 

It seemed like the serial killer had dealt a pretty heavy blow there. Shi Nian gritted her teeth. Instead of fear, the feeling that dominated her right now was anger.