He Has Always Been Right In Front Of Us

Qin Weizhe rubbed his chin, pondering deeply. "That has really slipped out of my mind. I was too focused on the riddle Lei Liqiu gave us. Captain Jin was right, everything doesn't match."

"Sorry," Wang Chengbing grimaced. "It's my fault. I was supposed to keep an eye on the username but I forgot about it too because there's a lot of other clues turning up. But what did he mean by no need to think about complicated things?"

Ru Meiqi stared at the username with a deep frown. "Remember that the way the serial killer threw his victim's body part was by marking the maps with a silly sketch of the sun? Sometimes, his reasoning is overly immature. With his big ego, he might wish to fool us, for example by blatantly slipping in his real identity amidst the clue and I must admit it's a brilliant idea. Our brain is wired to think two or three steps ahead but it's possible that…the answer has always been right in front of us."